Got your group ready to go for our OPENING DAY on September 14?

Here’s what you need to know in order to secure an apartment.


CHOOSE CAREFULLY. It’s your responsibility to select your apartment- consider lease start dates, prices, your personal finances and your roommate choices. There is no option to cancel or change your mind. If you don’t complete the whole lease within one week you lose your initial payment.


BE READY FOR 9 AM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. That is when we start renting apartments to new groups. You do not have to all be here at 9 am. You can have one person in your group here with all of your payments. We don’t know which apartments will rent first, and groups change quickly- someone waiting in line ahead of you may drop out of line or change their group size or priorities at the last minute. We don’t know what time the line will start forming. We don’t know what sizes will be most popular this year. We are always happy to let you know what sizes people have been asking about most so far this year.


YOU MUST HAVE YOUR GROUP ORGANIZED. If possible, complete the tenant portion of a Commitment to Sign Lease form ahead of time. We need the name, e-mail and telephone number of each tenant. You must have a complete group, which means you may NOT rent an apartment for 6 people if you only 5 tenants so far and try to fill the last spot later.


PRIORITIZE YOUR CHOICES Have a list ready with your ordered choices. Discuss this with your group ahead of time. We will post a list of available apartments on the office front door when we close the night before Opening Day.


PAY one month of rent per person to secure your apartment. At least one member of the group must be present to put down all of the money and secure an apartment. You may pay with cash, check, or money order. Credit or Debit Cards are not accepted. One person can cover the payment for another member of the group, as long as a total of one month of rent for the whole apartment is paid upon signing.


SIGN Step 1 of the Lease is the Commitment to Sign Lease Agreement that will be done when you make your non-refundable payment. We will make the lease and send it to you by e-mail, and you will need to make an appointment within 1 week to come in to the office together as a group to complete your entire lease.

  • Aces
  • Court
  • Plaza
  • Center